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tqm systems

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About tqm systems

tqm systems is a colour and gloss measurement systems company. Our goal is to be able to quantify, communicate and simulate colour, gloss and appearance of your product and we offer solutions for all markets. Our products and services are tailored to meet all your needs in the field of (liquid) colour and gloss issues. To do this in the best possible way, we have chosen to work with three reliable partners: X-Rite, Rhopoint and Hach-Lange. X-Rite is world leader in producing and offering innovative colour measurement systems. Hach-Lange has years of experience in the spectral colour measurement of clear liquids.  

Why use tqm systems?

Also available from tqm systems

PANTONE 3 Light Booth

The Pantone 3 light booth is a compact and durable light booth with stylish design yet an entry level price that's great for an office or manufacturing environment.

Munsell Books of Color

Munsell Books of Colour Makes it Faster and Easier to Communicate Colour. The Munsell Books of Color are color swatch books that help you select and communicate colour.

LICO 690

High-performance Spectral Colorimeter for professional colour measurements of clear, transparent liquids with reference beam technology. More than 25 colour scales included.

Ci60 portable spectrophotometer

For Standalone QC Measurement


For 12 Angle Complete Characterization Measurements. Measures extreme effect materials with 12 angles of measurement Verifies color, sparkle, and coarseness with on-board digital camera.

eXactโ„ข Family of Portable Spectrophotometers and Densitometers

From a simple densitometer to a next generation color measurement solution for use on paper, film, folding cartons, or other substrates, the eXact Family is the most accurate, consistent, and complete solution in the market.

Ci7800 Sphere Benchtop spectrophotometer

For the Most Precise Measurement. Offers โ‰ค0.08 dE* inter-instrument agreement and โ‰ค0.01 dE*repeatability. Provides measurement flexibility with switchable reflectance and optional transmission apertures.

VS3200 Non-Contact Imaging Spectrophotometers

The MetaVue family of non-contact imaging spectrophotometers deliver unmatched versatility and color measurement accuracy for retail paint and industrial applications.

Color iQC software

For Quality Control and Quality Assurance. Delivers tight tolerances through connected solutions. Expands from controlling color quality to assuring quality.

PANTORA software

For Creating Virtual Materials and File Formats Browse, view and edit virtual materials in real time. Use existing digital spectral data from MA-T12 or Ci7000 series color libraries. Connect digital material capture sources with output destinations.
