How often should I recalibrate the IQ Flex?
Everyday. When changing between standard head and 2/4mm adaptor, recalibration is essential.
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Everyday. When changing between standard head and 2/4mm adaptor, recalibration is essential.
Calibrate with standard measuring head.
Using a standard adaptor, the measuring head should be positioned flat against the surface to be measured.
To increase repeatability of measurements on curved surfaces or small parts, essential for complex curves.
Yes, see table. 60 and 85 give greater resolution of measurement at these gloss levels (small visible differences in finish = a large difference in gloss value)
Whilst 20 has a smaller measurement resolution, visible differences in gloss can be quantified with the Flex 20.
The measuring head should only be connected to the instrument for measuring larger flat surfaces. It is recommended to connect the instrument to the measuring head using cable for ease and stability of measurement.
This should be used for the measurement of all cylindrical objects.
For further information please view the product datasheet.
This will increase the repeatability of measurement for irregular shaped objects.
Bespoke cutter die - 1 or 2 of the same shape
Bespoke cutter die - More than 5 different size shapes or additional punched holes within shapes.